Why You Should Try Exploring Nature in Florida on a Child-Led Adventure
Why You Should Try Exploring Nature in Florida on a Child-Led Adventure
Why Child-Led Adventures? Exploring the great outdoors in Florida through a child-led adventure offers a unique and enriching experience for families. This approach, where children lead the way and adults follow, can significantly enhance the learning and bonding experience for both. Florida, with its rich biodiversity, extensive coastline, and numerous natural parks, provides an ideal… Continue reading Why You Should Try Exploring Nature in Florida on a Child-Led Adventure
kids primitive chef class
Kid’s Primitive Chef Class
Kid's Primitive Chef Class  Saturday, July 3rd, 2021 from 9-12 Kids will learn, hands on how to cook some yummy treats over the campfire for their next camping trip at this primitive chef class for youth. Prepaid reservations are required. Youth Primitive Chef Class / Outdoor cooking - great for families $12 per person including… Continue reading Kid’s Primitive Chef Class
Connecting to the Outdoors
Connecting to the outdoors So you want to introduce someone to the outdoors? Florida has a statewide network of conservation centers, it is designed to encourage and empower kids to participate in traditional outdoor recreation. Experts teach them how to safely enjoy the outdoor heritage we have worked so hard to maintain. The FYCCN includes… Continue reading Connecting to the Outdoors
Planting vitos oak
What joy can a single acorn bring
What joy can a single acorn bring? Here is a story of just one special acorn. Vito gathered an acorn from a large tree in the forest and planted it in a pot  at his home with his 2 lovely young daughters and wife Kathy. They patiently waited and watched the acorn sprout and they… Continue reading What joy can a single acorn bring