Florida Springs are important sources of drinking water, irrigation water, and recreation. They also provide a habitat for a variety of fish, plants, and other wildlife. Florida is home to over 1,000 springs, which are natural outlets for groundwater that has filtered through the porous limestone aquifer that underlies the state.
Enjoying Florida Springs
Florida springs offer a variety of recreational opportunities, including swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, and canoeing. Many springs are also located in state parks and other protected areas, where visitors can enjoy hiking, camping, and picnicking.
Here are a few tips for enjoying Florida springs:
- Choose a spring that is appropriate for your activity level and experience. Some springs are very deep and have strong currents, while others are shallower and more suitable for families with young children.
- Be aware of the dangers of swimming in springs. Springs can be cold, and the current can be strong. It is important to swim with a buddy and to stay within your limits.
- Respect the natural environment. Do not damage the vegetation or litter. Leave No Trace.
Protecting Florida Springs
Florida springs are under threat from a variety of factors, including pollution, overdevelopment, and climate change. Visitors can help to protect Florida springs by following these tips:
- Dispose of trash properly. Do not litter in or near springs.
- Avoid using sunscreen and other personal care products that contain harmful chemicals. These chemicals can pollute the springs and harm the wildlife that lives there.
- Be careful when using boats and other motorized vehicles in and around springs. Propellers can damage the spring beds and disturb the wildlife.
- Support organizations that are working to protect Florida springs. There are a number of non-profit organizations that are working to protect Florida springs through education, advocacy, and research.
Here are some additional tips for protecting Florida springs when visiting:
- Stay on designated trails and avoid trampling on vegetation. This helps to protect the delicate plants and animals that live in and around springs.
- Be careful not to disturb wildlife. Do not feed or pet wild animals, and keep a safe distance from them.
- If you see any pollution or other damage to the spring, report it to the park ranger or other appropriate authorities.
By following these tips, visitors can enjoy Florida springs while also helping to protect them for future generations.
Florida springs are a unique and precious resource. By following the tips above, visitors can enjoy these springs while also helping to protect them for future generations.
Not a Clue Adventures limits their guided activities to visit Florida Springs to days when attendance in low and only for small group sizes. We all must do our part to protect Florida’s most valuable recreation locations.