10 Reasons Why You Should Get Out In Nature
10 Reasons Why You Should Get Out In Nature by Steven Bancarz Nature is where we belong. It’s no coincidence that the minute we get out to a beach, a forest, or a waterfall that we begin to feel better immediately. Nature is more than just eye candy, it is also one of the most… Continue reading 10 Reasons Why You Should Get Out In Nature
Brown Bag It
Brown Bag It Whether you are going back to school or heading out with the kids for a hike these bag lunch ideas may come in handy. Below you will find 20 unique upgrades to the brown bag lunches of the past! Do you have one you would like to share? We would love to… Continue reading Brown Bag It
’Tis the season for superstition spiders
’Tis the season for superstition
’Tis the season for superstition By Terry W. Johnson Most folks enjoy having wildlife living just outside their backdoor. But that hasn’t always been the case. In times past, people often either took their wildlife neighbors for granted or honestly believed that many of them were imbued with frightening magical powers. Worse yet, some thought… Continue reading ’Tis the season for superstition
 Camping With a Large Group
Camping With a Large Group
Camping With a Large Group As an outdoor educator, please allow me to share some general guidelines for camping with a large group  of approximately 30-40 of your closest friends /associates. I've done this many, many times and have the scars to prove it. Unfortunately, you/I cannot take a large group anywhere with any kind of… Continue reading Camping With a Large Group
Teaching in the Rain
Teaching in the Rain – No Problem
Teaching in the Rain - No Problem I came across this article recently and after having to cancel a rather large event this past weekend due to rain thought that now would be a good time to share. This article is written by Ray Cramer who is an experienced outdoor educator at IslandWood, a 225-acre… Continue reading Teaching in the Rain – No Problem
Improve Compass Skills
7 Family Activities to Improve Compass Skills
7 Family Activities to Improve Compass Skills Originally Published by Matt Louv on January 20, 2015 at  http://blog.eurekatent.com/compass-games Being able to use a compass is an important skill for any person who will find themselves out and about in nature. But don’t wait until you’re in the thick of it to figure out exactly how… Continue reading 7 Family Activities to Improve Compass Skills